Thursday, February 25, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Are we in a State of Fear?

The question on the table is, are we in a State of Fear? Absolutely! Our reality is very similar to what Mr. Chrichton has written in his book. Prime example, Kenner was asking Ann why she hated him so much and what experiences she has with the enviroment. He asked if she had any legal or Scientific training to back up her opinions. She could answer, but only that she was a ex documentary film producy, now stay at home mom. She responded that she was in tune with enviromental matters because she reads the New York Times, The New Yorker, and the New York review. Basing it off of these comments, I believe Americans are at the same level of knowledge as her. They couln't back up their personal beliefs with one shed of evidence, but will preach to the end about how Man-kind is destroying the enviroment. The only source that they are referencing is the newspapers, and the media. Which are well know to be led by a liberal agenda. Different situation but much the same, a group of liberal voters were questioned about Obama's inititives, but instead of Obama's inititives it was actually John McCains inititives. A large majority of the Obama supporters stood by the political inititives, but when they were told that they were John McCain's inititives, their tones changed. Every last person questioned was very angry and ended up walking off. People are like a bunch of Cattle. They pay attention to who is making the most commotion, or who has the loudest voice, and follow them. They couldn't explain why, but they will support that agenda to the end. Same is true with global warming. The only thing that they know is that the Libbies and Greenies are telling them that mankind is responsible for the increased CO2 levels, which is the only cause of global warming. They are not shown all the facts, because the true facts are being covered up by political intervention. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Is Kenner the mouthpiece of Crichton? I believe so.
Similar to my thoughts about Global Warmning, he believes that we as in man-kind do have a small impact. He doesn't believe that data models are accurate enough to relay a defenitive answer. He is speaking through Kenner, stating that the goverment is puting the population into a "State of Fear." Ignorance is bliss, and when not much is know about a situation, people will follow whoever is the loudest. They couldn't tell you why they are following this agenda, or even explain some of the key points to what they are supporting. But they still follow. That is where Crichton's frustration plays in with Evan. Evan can't personally support any of his own opinions with his own facts of thougt, but he supports them just the same.

Is there to much talking and not enough action?
I don't think so, I think it is well balanced. He might get long winded at times, but he is trying to explain his points neutrally. I believe there is a good bounce between the details and the action that keeps me intrigued. I still think there is more to Kenner at this point than what has been presented in the story. For me, he is always being short and set-off from the story. There is a couple of times that he is telling Evans not now, and that he will get around to it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Attached Below is a graph that gives facts to my claims. Observe the graphs clearly and explain to me how human's are the major influence to the rising temperatures that are causing global warming. Global temperature is a direct reflection of solar activities. If CO2 was the driving force then global temperatures would mirror the "Hockey Stick" graph of CO2.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

One of the Hottest topics in todays political realm has to do with Global warming. Both sides of the issue are well prepared and stead-fast in the pursuits to the truth. For me, I have based my opinion off of long-term scientific data. It has been a very difficult task, because both sides are backing their claims with scientific fact. But for my argument I am basing it off of long-term scientific data. Although people will argue that Global Warming is the negative result of human involvment with the enviroment, the true cause is from natural occurances such as Solar flares, volcanic eruptions, and Jet Streams fluctuations.

The largest impact on Global Warming has to do with Solar activity. Solar activity, such as solar flares, has a direct temperature corillation to the earth's atmospheric termperature. In addition to atmospheric temperatures, scientific data has coorilated CO2 levels to solar activity. Their is a mirrored linear response. When solar activity increases, so do CO2 levels.
The second largest explanation that Global Warming is caused by natural occurances is through Volcanic activity. During eruption, volcanoes discharge large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere. These eruptions may last for a few days, but the gases that are released into the atmosphere travel through the air for long periods of time. As can be seen from volcanic activity charts, CO2 levels peek during times of high volcanic activity. These increased gas levels can last on average for over a year, and will actually increase global temperatures for a short period of time.
The third natural occuring contributor can be explained by Jet stream fluctuations. Looking at annual cyclical weather patterns, a corrilation can be made to jet stream data. Reviewing annual data for a specific day, shows that temperatures aren't the same. Atmospheric activity rides on these jet streams. What might have been cool last year, may or may not be freezing this year.
Althoug both sides of the Global Warming argument presented their data findings, the scientific data has shown to better match solar activities, volcanic activities, and jet stream fluctuations. The earth is a very complex system that is influenced by natural occurances. Human intervention has small contributing factor by not on a grand enough scale to change atmospheric activity globally.